Xolo has launched another low budget smartphone which is Xolo Q700s Plus. This smartphone launched by Xolo comes with Quad Core MediaTek processor. In this post you'll be able to know features and specs of Xolo Q700s XPlus. Launched at a reasonable price of Rs 8,499, Xolo Q700s Plus can be a good alternative for those who have not purchased Moto E or Asus Zenfone 4 smartphone. You should yourself compare the features of Xolo Q700s Plus with Moto E and Asus Zenfone 4 before you buy the next low budget smartphone for yourself.
Xolo Q700s Plus with Quad Core Processor Launched at Rs 8,499
Xolo has launched another low budget smartphone which is Xolo Q700s Plus. This smartphone launched by Xolo comes with Quad Core MediaTek processor. In this post you'll be able to know features and specs of Xolo Q700s XPlus. Launched at a reasonable price of Rs 8,499, Xolo Q700s Plus can be a good alternative for those who have not purchased Moto E or Asus Zenfone 4 smartphone. You should yourself compare the features of Xolo Q700s Plus with Moto E and Asus Zenfone 4 before you buy the next low budget smartphone for yourself.