Huawei has launched 2 smartphones Honor 4X and Honor 6 Plus in India. Both the new Huawei smartphones come with good features. Huawei Honor 4X is priced at Rs 10,499, while Huawei Honor 6 Plus is priced Rs 26,499. Honor 4X shall be the best option for you if your budget is less, but people with high budget may definitely like to go for Honor 6 Plus. Know all the features and other details about Honor 4X and Honor 6 Plus in this post.
Mar 25, 2015
Mar 19, 2015
Reasons to Buy Moto E (2nd Gen) Smartphone Online
Are you confused that whether you should buy Moto E (2nd Gen) online or not? This latest Android smartphone is available at Rs 6,999 and you may be definitely be thinking about going for it. Even if other good options are available, this Motorola smartphone is getting good demand online. In comparison to 1st Gen Moto E, the 2nd Gen Moto E is definitely a better smartphone. This post will make you know the reasons to purchase Moto E (2nd Gen) smartphone.
Mar 14, 2015
A Memorable Day in My Life - Celebrating Success with Family
Everyone wants to become successful, but sometimes it may not be very easy. We need to go step by step for becoming successful in our life. It is necessary to celebrate the joyful moments of success as it can definitely motivate us to work harder in future. If I get any type of success in my life, then I always decide to celebrate it with my family. In this post I'm going to mention about how I decided to celebrate the joyful moments of success with my family and how it gave me motivation to work harder in future. After reading this post, you may realize that how celebrating success #together can sometimes provide motivation to work harder for achieving the things that we want to in our life.
Mar 10, 2015
Starting a New Life - Forgetting Failure and Getting Rid of Fear
There comes a certain time in the life of each one of us when we want to live the life in a new way. Sometimes failure disappoints people, while sometimes a certain fear may not allow someone to do something which he wants to do in his life. According to me, one always needs to go for the good changes as then only he will be able to get success in his life. In this post I'll make you know the change I have bought in my life. This change has helped me in living my life in a better way. If you also want to #StartANewLife, then you should definitely go through this post of mine.
Mar 5, 2015
Fill Your Life with Optimism By Changing Your Mindset
Success and failure both are the parts of our life. After failure people give up. But, I'll advice you to never get disappointed after a failure. A failure should motivate you to work harder for achieving what you want to in your life. Success may be very near to you, but if you'll give up, then you may never be able to achieve the success which you might have achieved by working little harder than what you did.
Mar 2, 2015
Lenovo A7000 with 5.5 inch Screen, Octa Core Processor Announced
Lenovo A6000 has been selling really well in India and now Lenovo has announced Lenovo A7000 smartphone at the price of $169. Lenovo A7000 is the successor of Lenovo A6000 and that's why it comes with better features than Lenovo A6000. One of the things which people will notice first is that Lenovo A7000 has a 5.5 inch HD screen, while A6000 comes with 5 inch display screen. The other features too make Lenovo A7000 a better smartphone than Lenovo A6000. The pros of Lenovo A7000 may definitely make you attracted towards this smartphone.
Mar 1, 2015
Staying Motivated to Succeed - How My Father Has Guided Me in the Best Way?
In life motivation is required as a person can get success only by putting in efforts continuously without getting afraid by failure. Some people give up in their life as they get disappointed by failure or the thing that they haven't been able to get success even after working hard for years. Success and failure both are the different parts of our life. Failure in CA course frustrated me, but then too I didn't give up. In this post I'll make you know that how my father has always supported me and guided me in the best way.
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